Letters to the Editor


Accomplishing advocacy goals while simultaneously raising your profile to attract awareness, business, and donors—all while using marketing resources wisely.


Including thoughtful earned media as part of an overall strategic marketing plan. Letters to the editor respond to stories and editorials that align with an organization’s area of expertise.

Letter to the editor responding to New York Times article by Emma Goldberg titled She Didn't Want a Pelvic Exam. She Received One Anyway.
Letter to the editor responding to New York Times article by Sheryl Gay Stolberg, Views on Abortion Strain Calls for Unity at Women's March.

Well-crafted responses by informed sources are important in correcting misinformation, rallying support for issues, and sharing new facts and viewpoints. Even when letters are not published, they are read by editors. 

My role is to identify advantageous moments and draft letters on behalf of the organization’s leadership for their input and final approval, typically in a 24-hour turnaround time to offer the best chance for publication. 

Letters to the editor are not only for nonprofits and advocacy groups. They’re appropriate for business interests as well, especially when it comes to corporate social responsibility. 

The reputation measurement and management services firm the Reputation Institute, which since 2011 has produced an annual ranking of global firms’ corporate social responsibility reputations (CSR RepTrak), has shown that a reputation for social impact directly translates into purchase intent, willingness to invest, and interest in working for the company.1 

Furthermore, one of RepTrak’s key insights is that the most successful companies are relevant and genuine in their communications—proving that the right marketing and copy choices are essential!

1“Raising the Stakes on Corporate Responsibility.” Reputation Institute, October 18, 2018. 

Erika Byrnison

Jersey City, NJ | 973.531.7890 | ErikaByrnison@gmail.com

© Erika Byrnison, 2023